Analyzing a World War II Poster


Choose a World War II poster then analyze that poster to determine whether it fits the genre of argument, persuasion, or propaganda.

Chose a Poster

Explore the collection of World War II posters from one or more of the sites below. Choose a specific World War II poster to analyze.

                Posters on the American Home Front (1941-45)

                Powers of Persuasion

                The World War II Poster Collection, Northwestern University

                World War II Posters, North Texas University


1.       What is the poster you have chosen? What is the description of the poster from the website?

2.       What is the URL for the poster you have chosen?

Purpose, Audience, and Author

Use the following questions to analyze the poster that you have selected.


1.       What is the poster's purpose? What is the message that this poster communicates?

2.       Why is it important for this message to be delivered to this audience at this moment in time?

3.       How does the document communicate its message? Think about its use of language, color, space, and symbols.

4.       Who is the audience for this poster?

5.       What does the poster suggest about the audience's beliefs and values? How accurate are these beliefs?

6.       Who is the author of this poster?

7.       What are the author's motives for creating this message? How might the writer personally benefit from the audience's acceptance of the message?

Evidence, Support, and Outcomes

Use the following questions to analyze the poster that you have selected.


1.       What facts and specific details does the poster use? Are the facts verifiable and believable?

2.       What emotions does the document use to communicate its message? How is the audience likely to feel when they read this message?

3.       What ethical or moral values does the poster use to communicate its message? What relevant values are not supported by this message?

4.       What are the possible outcomes of this message? What will happen if the audience accepts this message?

5.       What would happen if everyone in the world accepted this message?

Overall Impression and Conclusions


1.       What is the overall impression of this message? Summarize the details that you have gathered in your analysis.

2.       How would you categorize this poster—argument, persuasion, or propaganda? Explain your choice.