Introduction | The Task | Resources | The Process | Searching Advice | Conclusion


Welcome adventurers! You are about to "step into the poet's shoes." But, like Cinderella's glass slipper, only one shoe is right for you. To find the right fit, you will be trying on many different shoes--exploring a variety of poets and their poems to find a poet whose writing has special meaning for you. Once you have found your match, you will select a poem, slip into the poet's shoes, and perform your poem for the class. 

The Task

During this activity, you will select a favorite poem and gather ideas for presenting that poem to the class. You will have the opportunity to listen to famous poets read their work, as well as to visit some more modern poetry "slams" and festivals. It is up to you to decide the best method for performing your poem for the class.  

Once you have completed your research, you will be using the Thinking About Poetry handout, the Thinking About Poetry Notes handout, the links at the bottom of the Resources list, and the Preparing for Your Performance handout to help you prepare for your performance.    


Poetry Links

Use the following links to research various poets and their poetry.  

Presentation Links

To prepare for your presentation, use the following links.

The Process

  1. Begin by printing out the Thinking About Poetry handout and taking out a pen or pencil. Be sure your name is on the handout.

  2. Print out a copy of the Thinking About Poetry Notes. You will be using this form to record bibliographic information and take notes as you visit each website.

  3. You must visit at least four of the Poetry Links listed in Resources. At each website select two poets and read and listen to several of their poems. 

  4. As you read and listen to the poems, use the questions on your Thinking About Poetry handout to complete your chart.

  5. Once you have explored at least four different websites, use the questions at the bottom of your handout to evaluate the poets' styles and make some choices about your performance.

  6. Select your favorite poet and one of his or her poems to use for your performance. All poems must be submitted to and approved by the teacher, and each student must perform a different poem so make sure that you have a back-up poem bookmarked.

  7. Copy and paste your selection into Microsoft Word. Save your poem by the name of the poet and the title of the poem.  

  8. Print out two copies of the poem. 

Once you have selected and printed your poem, submit one copy of the poem to the teacher for approval, along with a paragraph explaining your reasons for selecting that poem. Include in your explanation what message you believe the poet is trying to express to the audience and what you think the poem means. Upon receiving the teacher's approval, you will have 1 week to prepare for your presentation. You are not expected to memorize the poem; however, you should be able to present your poem using eye contact and appropriate expression.

Searching Advice

Take your time and read all the directions or information on a particular page. Be patient, some of the readings may take a little while to load. While you are waiting, answer the questions at the bottom on your Thinking About Poetry handout to make the best use of your time.


Congratulations! You've found the right fit and now you're ready to successfully step into the poet's shoes. Be sure to use the Preparing for Your Performance handout to help you get ready for your presentation!

This page was adapted from Bernie Dodge's WebQuest template by Beth O'Connor.