
John Blank

John Blank
Jeannette, PA
United States

Middle School Teacher
"As teachers, we should continuously re-examine our teaching, and working through the submission process for this unit gave me an opportunity to do just that, by looking at what we had developed in a different light."

Since 1971, John has been teaching eighth grade physical science for the Franklin Regional School District. In addition to teaching duties, he sponsors students in several regional science competitions, serves on the Scientific Review Committee, and chairs the Teachers Advisory Committee for the Pittsburgh Regional Science and Engineering Fair. John received his Masters of Education in Chemistry from Indiana University of Pennsylvania.

John has served as a camp program director for his local Boy Scout Council and as a leader for the 4-H Horse Club and the 4-H Vet-Science Club. His professional affiliations include the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) and the Pennsylvania Science Teachers Association (PSTA).