Online Events

NCTE Member Gatherings
A member-exclusive online gathering that fosters conversation, brings new ideas, and builds relationships with your fellow NCTE members during these uncertain times.

#NCTEchat is a fast-paced monthly Twitter chat where incredible ideas fly and solid advice comes in 280-character snippets. Join the conversation!
2023 NCTE Annual Convention
Conexiones: Communicate, Collaborate, Create
November 16–19, 2023
Each November thousands of literacy educators from across the country make the journey to a Convention that inspires their practice and rejuvenates their profession. They leave with strong strategies and best practices for teaching literacy, language, and composition. They learn new ideas for delivering instruction that engages students and addresses the most pressing needs within the school and district. Join us to find new teaching allies, new connections with luminaries and authors, and enough new books to fill entire shelves in classroom libraries.

CEL Annual Convention
November 19-21, 2023
Just as educators are counseled to pursue a whole-child approach when teaching, literacy leaders are charged to consider the whole-person when leading.
CCCC Annual Convention
Spokane, Washington
April 3-6, 2024
Our annual gathering regularly seeks to work toward these goals for research, collaboration, and knowledge sharing.

LLA Literacies for All Summer Institute
Our theme for the conference reflects our organization’s ongoing rejuvenation and serves as an invitation for educators who believe that ALL children deserve personally meaningful learning contexts, children (not programs) are the primary informants of literacy curriculum, and teachers are experts in their classrooms to become active in the organization by sharing their visions and voices about the future of holistic literacy education.
National Celebrations

National Celebrations National Day on Writing October 20 (every year)
The National Day on Writing® celebrates writing—and the many places, reasons, and ways we write each day—as an essential component of literacy. Since 2009, #WhyIWrite has encouraged thousands of people to lift their voices to the things that matter most to them.

African American Read-In February (all month long, every year)
#NCTEchat is a fast-paced monthly Twitter chat where incredible ideas fly and solid advice comes in 280-character snippets. Join the conversation!